What you need to know about Histeria
On this island of mystical wonders, everyone was happy, and equity prospered across the land. infrastructure like no other, and creatures that would leave humans in awe. That was what was wanted by the 4 founders of Histeria. Hazarath, Asterion, Terrafina, and Alaria. These four are the ones that built this island to what it is today. each ruling a different part of the island. Hazarath, ruling the darkness. The most evil and terrifying things lie in the shadows of his kingdom. Asterion, the ruler of the seas, the rivers, the lakes, whatever you could think of. The myths and mermaids lurk in her coral reefs, hunting down the tourists and those naïve enough to hear their siren calls. Terrafina, the ruler of the land, the swamps. the forests, the mountains. Elves, Vikings, and creatures that arose from the land itself are what live in terrafinas glory. The last of the 4, Alaria, she ruled the light. wizards and humans are what went her path, seeking forgiveness, or wanting to learn. yet through of of their differences, they managed to bring us peace for eons. That is until, greed arose. Darkness fighting light, seas fighting land. All of them wanted more than they already had. They all fought, and fought, and fought. Until one day, Hazarath gained power. Nobody knows how, nor why. With this newfound power and leveradge. He took down each of his peers, one. by. one. When the 3 were at their weakest, they used the last of their powers to merge together into a diety to stop darkness once and for all. Hazarath was turned to stone and demolished, as for the diety, they demolished and turned into ash. And that was the last of the founders. The civilization of each kingdom found the scene, and used the ash of the diety to build concrete and build a temple in their honor.This temple, is one of the islands many religions. People will go and stay at the temple for days, praying for forgiveness of their actions, or to merely seek advice from the late deity. It is rumored that if one were to destroy that temple, the island would diminish, and life as we know it would fall. However, the ash of the deity makes it nearly impossible for this to happen. This temple is situated in the middle of the island. In somewhere the citizens call "The Hub." It is where the followers of none stay. Where the people who wish not to take sides rest. It is a mix of every kingdoms most notorious terrain. Whether it be a forest with many lakes and streams inside of it, to dark, shadowy holes where the sun still shines. However, the most intriguing thing about the hub is the forest inside of the sea. A beautiful creation of Terrafina and Asterion. However, it was the deities lands that gave birth to such beautiful creations. Hazaraths land, Sephtis, eternal death and darkness. Asterions land, Kaia, the pure life and the sea. Terrafinas land, Hallvaror, guarding the earth and the rocks. and Alarias land, Idalia, The sight of the sun, the light, the pure, the good. These 4 kingdoms live now in hatred of eachother, though they are all chill with hub:D, it is the fear of being different from one another, the fear of seeing someone elses perspective of life, their own paths, that separated these kingdoms. Hazarath represents greed, Asterion represents grace, Terrafina represents loyalty, and alaria represents purity. These are the main 4 traits of every kingdom, though there are a lot more.

Hazarath: Greed, evil, betrayal, power, lust, death, anger, fear, attention
Asterion: Grace, perfection, beauty, attention, luck, manipulation
Terrafina: Bravery, Loyalty, peace, trustworthiness, fairness, betrayal
Alaria: innocence, life, purity, virginity, probity, good, sinless
1: Months of the year
-Jupertine (January)
-Lonnety (February)
-Osqard (March)
-Afrid (april)
-Mxim (may)
-Jasiper (June)
-Norbid (July)
-Welchor (august)
-Suclonz (September)
-Octolan (October)
-Nuzonova (November)
-Chancine (December)2: holidays
-February 18: Dark day
-May 16: Earth day
-June 4: Fall of Hazarath
-September 12: light day
-November 2: Sea day3. Traditions
-Once a moon, there is a masquerade ball held at the hub honoring the sacrifice of the deitys
-All citizens wear some form of accessory or makeup to display what kingdom their from and their pride from being there
-Every week there is a bonfire at Hallvaror where Elfs, faes, and other folk gather and dance to the music of ethnic instruments
-In Sephtis, The citizens must add a drop of their blood into a cup for the ruler to drink. Blood enchances their powers.